Daz It, Daz All
A bold show from @SLAPtheNetwork where we discuss the unique and vibrant lives of women and non-binary artists, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders through testimony, laughter, and friendship.
Hosted by KC Carnage, touring singer, artist, (and Crochet designer), who believes that when we all stand with one another, anything is possible! You’ll hear real talk, done in a way you won’t get anywhere else.
We support The Loveland Foundation
Daz It, Daz All
Get to know more about KC!! : Chasing Dreams, Dodging Red Flags, and Keeping things Real!
Ever wondered who's the voice behind this podcast? This episode is all about getting to know your host, KC, a bit better! Hear about her incredible journey of moving to LA with just $200, six suitcases, and a dream. We'll cover her ambitions, her love for food and music, and her dedication to bringing you real stories, real opinions through this show.
Host KC Carnage (@iamkccarnage), Breona Dewitt (@denasha.bre) and Nay Johnson (@cakeynay10)
Daz It Daz All is written by KC Carnage (@iamkccarnage) and Produced by KC Carnage and Rick Barrio Dill (@rickbarriodill). Associate producer Bri Coorey (@bri_beats), Audio and Video Engineering and Studio facilities provided by S.L.A.P. Studios LA (@SLAPStudiosLA) with distribution through our collective for social progress and cultural expression, SLAP the Network. (@SLAPtheNetwork.com)
If you have any ideas for a show you want to see or hear, email us at info@SLAPtheNetwork.com and as always, you can go to dazitdazall.com and sign up there to make sure you never miss a thing...
See you next show!
Hey, y'all, it's Brienne, and Casey doesn't know what. We're taking over the episode today, so don't tell her. Uh, she's always putting us in the hot seat. Now we're gonna ask her some questions and you're gonna get to know your host. We are her ass Heavy. See y'all soon. Hey, I got y'all drinks. Yeah, alright, but, but Everybody's mic's on, bri, everybody's good, you can hear everybody. Alright, cool, cool, alright, y'all, what up, what up, what up, welcome to. That's it. That's All. I'm your host, casey. And today we got Bri. Hey, what y'all doing. And then, hey, and you know what I want to talk about today. I think let me stop you right there. Today we're doing a takeover episode, what you in the hot seat Period. So whatever you got discuss this week, you gotta wait until next week. I'm gonna need you to sit here?
Speaker 2:Is that even allowed? Go ahead and switch. Oh, I gotta switch spots, dude.
Speaker 1:You in my seat. You come sit next to me. Oh hey, okay. Oh my god, oh my god, mm-hmm, y'all, they just kicked me out my seat. I like this seat. They just it matched your outfit, I do.
Speaker 2:Oh my god, they just kicked me out my seat.
Speaker 1:This is like I don't even know how I feel, right here. I'm sorry whatever you have planned today, I can wait, oh, okay.
Speaker 2:Because it's our episode now.
Speaker 1:All right, Well, we figured that people need to get to know who you are. Oh god, you know. Every week they're asking us who we are and we are talking about subjects, the how we feel, about everything. But now it's time to put you in the hot seat and we on your ass, we on you. Why are you on my ass? It's gonna be fun.
Speaker 1:It's gonna be like oh my god, I don't know what they're about to say or what they're about to do, but they better not get on my nerves. We just gonna start with just the regular stuff, Like just tell us a little bit about you when you from.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna go with you first, cuz.
Speaker 1:Yes, you can choose. I don't know what they're about to ask me, but I don't trust them.
Speaker 2:What you don't trust them, that's crazy.
Speaker 1:I don't know Y'all, wow they seen y'all, especially her, especially her. Okay, okay, I guess. So we're gonna keep it regular, real light right now. Tell us a little bit about yourself when you from, what you do, wow, your passions. I don't know how I feel over here, but okay, hey, it's cool over here I'll do that. I'm just not used to it. I'm sorry, y'all just threw me for a loop. Okay, I'm from Moncler, new Jersey. I went to Bowie State University. Some of my you asked me what my passions were. Some of your passions. One of some of my passions I love food. I love to cook. I love to cook. I love music. I'm a singer and I like my podcast that you guys just took over.
Speaker 2:Yes, it's our shit today.
Speaker 1:Oh my God, I mean okay, it's like parental rights, I don't know how to let go.
Speaker 2:It is.
Speaker 1:Well, you're here in LA now. How'd you get here? I moved here in 2014 with $200 and six suitcases.
Speaker 2:And look at me now Six.
Speaker 1:Yeah, somebody brought me a go in the wake present, okay, and it was six suitcases like one, the big one, the little one. Then it was like a little box box and a duffel and I said to myself whatever don't fit in her, it ain't coming.
Speaker 2:It ain't coming. Okay, I didn't know that, actually, yeah.
Speaker 1:It was a struggle. Y'all even know. Like I'm all put together now, Girl was like couldn't even slip down my edges, Could afford it. Edge control Listen we all been there. I don't know, not being able to afford it. Sometimes sleep was my dinner, so I get it.
Speaker 2:Sleep and dreams, sleep and dreams, I totally get it.
Speaker 1:Well, you hear, now the globe is real, you successful, you got your own podcast, which we love to be on, and I want to ask you where do you see it going? If you had it your way the next five years? What do you see? I want a whole talk show. I want a whole talk show. I want to be open, necessarily because open to series, I want to be like the Queen Latifah shows or the Tarja Banks shows. I want to talk show Because I feel like I guess the basis of what I've created this around is to hear real stories and real opinions, not necessarily like true, fact and factual.
Speaker 1:It's just that, having the conversation that we always have together, and I think that even like I remember telling Bree, I've been talking about doing this podcast for a long time, like a long time. So we all, we need to do a podcast. We need to do a podcast Like I want to have my friends on it. I want to talk about the stuff we've been talking about, because not only are we funny as fuck, but we literally have some real stuff we be talking about and that, like I just you know, I always had a gut feeling that, like, at the end of the day, like there's All kind of friends talking about the same shit. And then also I wanted to use my degree, like my degrees in broadcast journalism, and I like spent a lot of money for that degree and was not using it and so like, even if, even if this is the different medium, then I initially went for it because I wanted to be a news anchor. That's what I wanted to be. I was the anchor of my school's news station, bsu TV, bsu, um. But then I realized that being on the news is 365 and I bombs over my head and rain. You don't see them news anchors, they be blown over. I was like, nah, I won't do that. So I kind of sat it on the shelf and then, like there was a time where there was a time where I thought I was going to be in radio but I was like I like being seen. And then I remember my, my, my professor at the initials at the time where, like, one of the six in park was still kind of popular and I was like, well, maybe I'll do.
Speaker 1:Um, like entertainment, uh, entertainment interviews, like entertainment, health, and he talked me way out of it, like he literally crushed all my dreams about it. He was like no, you're too intelligent for that, you know people, that's the shortcut, whatever. And I kind of kind of just shoved it. And then, once I graduated, I went to like corporate America, started doing like marketing and stuff like that. And then I just got like kind of lost in Jersey. And I know what I was doing. I was working at Buffalo ball wings, by the um, by the BetLife Stadium, and I was like I don't want to be here, no more, and I moved to LA and I really didn't have a reason, reason other than the fact that I didn't like LA and the Blizzard of 2014. I hate snow, I'm tired of shoveling it. So I was like I'm done.
Speaker 2:And I just came out here, and it was 35 inches of snow. That was what.
Speaker 1:I was living in snow. I don't understand. I'll take these expensive bills over shoveling anything. But yeah, that's just kind of how I got here. I I landed and then, like life has just happened ever since, like I've gotten into a lot of um different projects. I've been on tour, I lived in China. They just kind of just happened and I'm just kind of like rolling with the punches.
Speaker 1:So if you had three wishes, what would they be? Um, three wishes that's a good question. I would say I definitely want to be able to live comfortably. I don't need to necessarily be rich, but I want to do be able to do what I want and I have to look at my bank account. Um two, I want help for my friends and family and myself. Like I, I um, yeah, I'm not ready for anybody in my media family to go nowhere, so I wish for them to stay with me as long as they possibly can. And three, I just want I don't know necessarily if I want to be famous, but I want to be able to shed a lot of light in the world and whatever platform that is going to take me. That's where I want to be. I want to be famous. I don't know, like that's good.
Speaker 2:That was a good that was actually really good.
Speaker 1:Three wishes Like that.
Speaker 2:second one too is a is a that's a real one.
Speaker 1:That's a real one, that's a real one that's a real one, cause. I need my money Cause you want me. I want to be hit on a hundred and twenty.
Speaker 2:I need my friends. No for real Like.
Speaker 1:I mean, think about it. You're like for real black and cracky, I'm sorry, like we living long, like they saying like the forties, forties and the new like twenties. Right now, I believe it. Yeah, People been posting me. You don't see these 40. Oh, they look good. They look good. Gabrielle you like, it's like 150.
Speaker 2:50. Girl Do not do, gabby Do not do.
Speaker 1:Gabby, she like a hundred. She popped out for that. I'm running to the house, so looking rich she's cute.
Speaker 2:I love that. I love that she had arms.
Speaker 1:I'm scared baby. I said, okay, let's get it, I'm here for her.
Speaker 2:I love it for you. I'm here for her.
Speaker 1:All right, Casey, I want to know what do you think your three red flags are my red flags, and what in what situation?
Speaker 2:Dating.
Speaker 1:Dating. Yeah, what are your three? What do you think your three red flags are?
Speaker 2:You ain't got no job.
Speaker 1:You ain't got no job.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, no, no no.
Speaker 1:Your red flags. Oh, oh, you personally. What do you think that your red flags?
Speaker 2:are your red flags? Oh, my bad.
Speaker 1:My three, my three red flags yes. I'm perfect Girl.
Speaker 2:I'm the number one. Wrap it up the fact that she thinks she's perfect. That's the one, right there.
Speaker 1:Number two other than I'm perfect is that don't count.
Speaker 2:Started one.
Speaker 1:Okay, started one, yeah, stop.
Speaker 2:I want to see it.
Speaker 1:I was like okay, my red flags. I would have to say I'm very, very Okay. I would have to say I'm very, very type A, like I'm very, very type A, like I be trying to boss everything around. I'll say that, controlling, I'm very controlling. Okay, I'm very controlling. We love someone who's self aware. Yes, we love a self aware queen.
Speaker 1:I never look. I never say that I would like that I got. I'm not going to be, I'm not going to hold you, I'm definitely controlling. Okay, what can I say? What would be my other red flags? I don't like to drive. I like to drive nowhere. You live in LA, though. I hate it, and I hate it. If I have the option, I would like, can I ride with you? But whole time can I ride with you, I don't like to drive, okay, and my red flag, three red flags, damn. You need help.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I need help Inpatient.
Speaker 1:Oh, but it's not yeah.
Speaker 2:You impatient you impatient, Definitely.
Speaker 1:I mean that's fucked. No, first of all, first of all, first of all.
Speaker 2:But I will say she gets you done, you get you done.
Speaker 1:You impatient with reason, though Like, like, sometimes, no, it'd be impatient with reason, like some people have what y'all have. May have way more patience than I do, but my patience definitely has a time clock. Like it's only so long you could just be doing stuff and me not come up. I don't, don't come out the gate like that, okay, wow.
Speaker 2:Wow, no serious Gate, Gate what I was just gonna say. You know what that was? Hell of a party.
Speaker 1:We love you, though we love you, though I'm gonna have to take a shot with that one. That one, all right, we're gonna play a game. We got two games we're gonna play. Okay, we're gonna start with. We're gonna start with it. Yes.
Speaker 2:You ready Kay?
Speaker 1:Let's go get them.
Speaker 2:Okay, we're gonna start with this or that.
Speaker 1:I'll let Ne start. Ne what you got to say, Don't be looking at my shit.
Speaker 2:I'm not looking.
Speaker 1:I'm not looking. Relax yourself, bruh, you know she a pit bull, okay go ahead.
Speaker 2:You said I'm a pit bull. Yes, you are a, definitely a pit bull?
Speaker 1:yeah, Probably.
Speaker 2:No, no, you don't. I got something to do with it.
Speaker 1:If I had to do with your shortness, I would say you a chihuahua. What she's like. Did I call her a pit bull because she's short? I said no, I would call you a chihuahua. In that case. She's like no, you're a little feisty, you're real snappy.
Speaker 2:You feisty? I don't know, You're a little feisty In front of everybody. In front of everybody, in front of the world, in front of the world, anyways. So we finna play this game called this or that. Okay, so you gotta pick this or that. Okay, you get two options. There ain't no bow out nigga. Pick one, we don't bow out all the time.
Speaker 1:No, you bring it up, oh shit.
Speaker 2:We talking about right now. Okay, we here today.
Speaker 1:All right, what's up? Suck toes or eat ass, jump right into it, get into it. A man we talking about a man, not no bitch. Y'all did good on this one. Y'all did good on this one, cause I don't like need a little walker. We know, bitch, you gotta pick I guess I'm gonna do toes, cause I ain't touching no booty holes. Ooh, y'all saw that bars Girl. Ah, are you good, okay, best sex of your life one time or mediocre sex every day. I got questions.
Speaker 2:No, no, there's no questions.
Speaker 1:I got questions no, this or that. I just wanna. I wanna hear the question, but see, I'm gonna show them. No, you're being controlling.
Speaker 2:right now Pipe down.
Speaker 1:I mean y'all take over, but it's still no it's our shit today. It's not yours, it's not shit. Okay, it's our shit today. I'm not bad, I'll chill, I'll relax. I got questions. No, is this or that? Ho Wait cause mediocre, no, mediocre, no. I got a question on what mediocre.
Speaker 2:Okay, on a scale of one to 10 is two.
Speaker 1:No, that's average. Okay, right, two, I guess one time, cause that's what vibrators are for. Okay, I just need to know what this is.
Speaker 2:You're not hunching on me every night, I just need to know what this is Cause you would have said five, not hunching on me, if you would have said five or six, I would have went with you.
Speaker 1:I know I need to know what you. That was my question. I feel like mediocre, like six, is average.
Speaker 2:I don't know. That's a pretty good six in average. I mean I'm talking about.
Speaker 1:For the average woman, I feel like six is average woman.
Speaker 2:Wait, that's what I'm saying, which I'm a person.
Speaker 1:I would think five or six is mediocre.
Speaker 2:Seven Eight is land range, but that's why I do this.
Speaker 1:On the scale, because I would personally think five or six is mediocre, because, but I could take I'll mess with that less than that. I could take six every day, but if you said two, nine, then you ain't going with two. Oh my God, they're gonna have to put another thing over you again.
Speaker 2:They're gonna decide. My coach, she closed the stuff. Your leg, your leg, your leg gonna be cut off because they're too long.
Speaker 1:Okay, okay, what's the next one? At least my feet ain't swinging right now, bitch mine not either today. She on the ground girl. Oh, that's cause it's low couch what she did. She look, I call her daddy long legs. She be trying to stomp on this, but it's like nah, you all right, you get feet with that.
Speaker 2:It's okay, we're not even talking about me, we talking about you. So we going in your head. I'm back.
Speaker 1:I'm back. Bad breath or bad body odor? Ooh, I'm a through Bad breath Because I feel like you don't kiss anyone. No, cause I don't have to, that wasn't the question. Okay, but body odor, I'll be laying next to you, I don't gotta kiss you Anybody still smell that shit Bad body odor.
Speaker 2:I mean it's hard, it's a hard one, either one, that's the best Bad body odor is like, like bad breath.
Speaker 1:Like bad breath. Like I can offer you a mint, but bad body odor gotta do with. Like your health and underneath that shit Sometimes the teeth. The bad breath can be unlined to rotten teeth and your mouth. It ain't nothing I can do Now when I rotten fuck the teeth.
Speaker 2:Many don't do nothing.
Speaker 1:List three Tempt fix. Okay, all right, I'm gonna go with bad breath.
Speaker 2:Okay, bad body odor.
Speaker 1:Okay, success or happiness Success. That's gonna make me happy. That's easy Move on.
Speaker 2:Okay, morning or night person, all right, no dancing.
Speaker 1:I'm a morning person Say the crack of dawn. No Shut up. Yeah, I'm a morning person.
Speaker 2:I was trying to story it.
Speaker 1:Oh God, they let it all off.
Speaker 1:We was in Miami for my birthday and it was four of us that went, so two of us was in my room and me and Kasey was in the other room. This hoe, six in the morning, yaw, yaw, what's up? Yaw, I gotta let it go. And I'm like my head is under the covers and I'm like waking up and I'm thought I'm hearing shit. I'm like what the fuck is that? No, no, no, no, no, I gotta let it go. I literally throw my head in the water. What the hell are you doing? I'm like morning breeze.
Speaker 1:She's like morning I said what are you doing? Oh, I just have to open my throat. Shocker is this morning, you know, I have to get right. I said oh, you see, I'm asleep over here. I do Tell me why Okay. So I'm all right. After her doing all this shit, I'm up why I'm in the shower. Why does come out of this whole back to sleep? I said oh no, I didn't get, I didn't get, I didn't get, I didn't get.
Speaker 2:no sleep cause of you. You ain't even know sleep. Cause of me. You're so ass, the fuck up. I was thinking about while she was in the shower.
Speaker 1:I was at. She was back to sleep. She, I was like I was like what the hell?
Speaker 2:No, no, no, you do that every morning.
Speaker 1:I did it every morning. I was like I didn't get any sleep. I have to hey, yo, you don't understand Like I use my voice a lot. Okay, for everything to work, that's the morning time that junk be soaked, cause I also sleep with my mouth open. So the morning it'd be like you kiss and like dry. So that's the only way we all are getting to know her now. So that's the only way she really do though.
Speaker 1:She do something about her. So that's the only way. That's the only way that I can like I got a literally like, oh, like I literally got to let it out. That's a true story. It's every morning like poor my man, cause he be looking at me, like I be like, look, everybody got their things, it is what it is, all right. So the next game this is like a trend that's been going on since, I think is I think it's funny, it's he's a 10, but he's a 10, but okay, we gonna play that. All right, he's a 10, but he sucks his thumb to go to sleep. Three Cause I'm not gonna hold you. Everybody got their things they need to do to go to sleep. Like I got to stick my foot out, like I got to, you know, like I got to sit on my side.
Speaker 2:That's holding him.
Speaker 1:If you knock this down to a three you holding them? I mean, I mean, imagine looking at a relapse.
Speaker 2:I know, hey, I mean, I'm not gonna say if you need to go to sleep.
Speaker 1:I have to put a blanket over his face though I go live, but I'm gonna put three Put a pillow over the big head. I got some you can suck and you need to go to sleep.
Speaker 2:Like this is right here.
Speaker 1:Dude. I mean, I probably don't look sexy when I sleep either. So that's what I said I'm gonna give him a three. Good Okay.
Speaker 2:He's a 10, but most of his friends are women.
Speaker 1:Ooh, he's a 10, but most of his friends are women. Are they platonic with it? You don't get to ask no questions.
Speaker 2:Okay, they always say they're platonic. Are they really?
Speaker 1:really I'm gonna say five. I'm gonna put them in the middle because I don't know, mm-hmm, okay, he's a four, but he pays for everything. 10, that's easy. Here's 10 scrubs, definitely a solid nine, cuz he's, I mean. But look, if he, if he paying for everything, that means I could get him some clothes. I gotta do is dress them up. You can't fix his face. I mean, it is what it is, that black card swipe in his face. I'm looking at the black card on his face, black card People coming to you when they treat you right right, that's very true.
Speaker 2:I'm real cute when they start doing fine, no, that's true. That's true, he's a five, but has a great sense of humor.
Speaker 1:He's a five years ago. I'm gonna give it a eight. I'm gonna give him a eight cuz I'd like to laugh. I like to laugh, I'm gonna give it a eight. Yeah, you do giggling ass bitch.
Speaker 2:I'm a child, I like to laugh.
Speaker 1:I will giggle. She giggles like I be like Laugh wholeheartedly. Ho, I got giggle. I know hardly this is what I'm saying. That's why the yarns be happening, cuz my voice. You understand like I use my voice in so many different ways. Go ahead. He's a 10, but he starts every conversation with WID. I'm not mad at that. I'll give him a nine. What? What would Jesus do?
Speaker 2:What are you doing oh.
Speaker 1:Oh, make sure you that, as long as it's long we still not for our day to eat.
Speaker 2:What would you do?
Speaker 1:Let me. Let me ask you this like people pray all the time, I won't be mad at that. I'll give it a, I'll go with a, but what you doing is definitely a five. No, but Casey, it doesn't make sense. Y'all ask me the question. I gave you my no, but the WJD. What would Jesus do if he just text you that every moment? He started with that? What would Jesus do? Walk the water girl. I'm going to text this whole that every day. I was like I will never text her. Hey, casey, get WW JD and then we gonna start a conversation. Okay, you said what WID machine. Everybody starts every text with WID. What are you doing? I don't know, wid, what you doing? Five, it's irritating but every text.
Speaker 2:What would you do?
Speaker 1:I'm okay, I'm here. I'm here for Jesus. Okay, we love you. I'm here for you. I'm gonna use to me a Bible verse Then ask me what would you do every damn day? I mean, that's kind of that's not the same thing, Bro.
Speaker 1:I think it would be funny after a while to be completely honest with you. I probably respond with though, whatever I'm doing, eating Jesus cooking. Jesus will be frying catfish, cooking pie roast. Right, you will be annoyed after a while. Child, we know you he's a three, but he's very, very romantic. I would bump into a seven.
Speaker 2:Very romantic. That's a lot. Okay, he's a nine, but average in bed.
Speaker 1:Six I, we all know.
Speaker 2:Average. Like it, like I can't have, I can't have you all.
Speaker 1:She would get rid of everybody. I literally wait.
Speaker 2:When I'm dating, I try to I don't want to have sex right away, because I know that if it sucks you will never hear from me again.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna say and so I'd be like alright, let me at least kind of like him a little bit, so that if it ain't the best, I can still be like alright, I like them.
Speaker 2:Alright, I like them.
Speaker 1:We have sex early and it's trash. You can just delete my number. I Can't, I, I will not settle for less than amazing sex. Sorry, because I give amazing sex. Okay, we know. Yeah, I know, go refer to a sexuality episode. You will not come over here singing no mediocre peanut in this. You know you gotta go. Okay, you know a lot of attractive guys do be given a mediocre peem because they think that they cute, ain't gotta do shit, I do nothing.
Speaker 2:You know what? You don't gotta do nothing. I will say women are the same women.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of beautiful women who just be pillow princesses and just be laying out like a cardboard by cardboard playing. Have that but, this way so.
Speaker 2:I'm correct I don't know.
Speaker 1:I like a 50, 50 split. I like a, a royal rumble, like right, you know you throw me down. We both Do you, dad, do you down, I agree. Sometimes I just want to tussle. No, sometimes I do want to be a pillow princess. No, no, no, I might have to tap, tap, tap and you know kind of come get you. But I need a, I need, I need even balance. Yeah yeah, but then sometimes most of the time 70, 30, yeah, 70 on him 30. Yeah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha oh.
Speaker 1:I'm 70, 30. 70, 30. I like 70, 30. 70, head 30 dick.
Speaker 2:For skill.
Speaker 1:No, that's what she was 70% head I'm just kidding. I don't know how you can get licked that long, baby.
Speaker 2:Wow, I get bored after a while, so recently.
Speaker 1:I'll be off in the sky like after a while. Ok, let me say, can I say this?
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 1:So recently I've been dating this guy and child. His fingers are magic. He got long fingers. I see them. He do got long fingers. I used to hate getting fingers because men typically just don't know how to do it right. But no, it got right. All right, calm down. I've never wanted fingers more than dick in my life. Yeah, no, I've probably had one so long He'll go. Maybe come from a penis and then go right with the fingers and make me squirt again Like nigga. What, ok?
Speaker 2:Oh sorry, Are we done with the game?
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, sorry, I think I've made you real pretty well with those questions.
Speaker 2:Is there anything you want them to know about you?
Speaker 1:Yeah that we are fans.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I don't know. I feel like I'm a pretty open book. That's one thing I can't say. I don't really be. Like you asked me, I'll tell you the truth. I agree. I definitely will tell you the truth about myself and yourself for real. For real, like, don't ask me no questions. You don't want to know the truth. What else do I want to know about me? I guess you're just going to have to ask would you like them to do another takeover at some point?
Speaker 2:Maybe another group of friends. They put some in the comments and questions that we can ask.
Speaker 1:No, I'm just playing. Ok, I'm just playing, I'm just kidding.
Speaker 2:I mean I don't we're definitely going to have Nicki in the next one too, I don't know.
Speaker 1:I guess for me, like you know, I like to always leave some type of message. I feel like this was fun. You hose got me. I had no idea this was happening, but definitely I guess this gave y'all a chance to really get to know me. But there's so much more, so I guess we'll definitely have to do a couple of these. I will say having good friends are important, and when you have good friends in your life and you have people in your life that really love you and really see you, they can do shit, like take over your whole show like it's theirs. And Breanna, don't get too comfortable in my chair. I like it, though I want a perfect outfit for this seat, like the green is like oh my god, so I would say it's cute, I like it here.
Speaker 2:Yes, I would say I'm going to sit here and get one day.
Speaker 1:I would definitely say keep good people around you, keep people that love you, keep people that hold you honest and true and keep people that can literally ground you, because I do believe that my friends truly ground me with all the red flags. Y'all bitches still love me, oh of course.
Speaker 2:Maybe to the wheels fall off, maybe to the end.
Speaker 1:I mean that's it. I mean you end in the show. Do you want to?
Speaker 2:I'm being old ass when you still talk of shit.
Speaker 1:You want to wrap it up. Since you can do my job today, I sure can. Ok, y'all. That's it for today's episode. We will see y'all next week. Please like, comment and subscribe. If you want to see another, take Out what episode, let us know. Leave some questions in the comments or what you'd like to know about Kasey or any of us, and we will answer them in future episodes. Thank you so much. That's it. That's all. This is that's it. That's all. Is written by me, kasey Carnage, and produced by myself and Rick Barrio-Dill. Associate Producer Brie Corrie. Assistant Producer Larissa Donahoe, audio and Video Engineering and Studio Facilities provided by Slap Studios LA, with distribution through our collective for social progress and cultural expression, slap the Network. If you have any ideas for a show you want to hear or see, please email us at info at slapthepowercom and, as always, go to desertsolcom and sign up there to make sure you will never miss a thing. See you next show.